Keeping You Safe!
Worried about Coronavirus? You’re not alone!
We have been practicing universal precautions in our office for many decades, and have been following every recommendation by the ADA and CDC, but we’re taking that even further now, to ensure your safety!
So, what are we doing to keep you safe while you are in our care?
- The clinical team will wear N95 face masks, eye protection or full face shields, gloves, head covers, and disposable gowns.
- We use an iodine pre-rinse that kills the virus and bacteria present in your mouth for 2 hours.
- We will now be using an extraoral suction device to remove aerosols from the air as they are generated at the source, the patient’s mouth. These devices contain a HyperHEPA air filter with UV-C light sterilizers to ensure that any virus containing droplets are captured and destroyed.
- For certain procedures that cause aerosols, we may use a rubber dam to keep the aerosols from leaving the immediate area, cutting down the risk to other patients and staff.
- Every instrument goes through a detailed sterilization process of rinsing, ultrasonic scrubbing, and heat sterilization.
- We run weekly tests on our sterilizers to make sure they are able to kill the toughest organisms known to medical science – every single week.
- We are constantly wiping down any high touched surface – including door knobs, countertops, light switches, pens, drawer pulls, etc.
- Our surface disinfectant wipes kill the virus in 30 seconds.
- We will be fogging our operatories and staff members with hypochlorous acid. This is a food safe disinfectant that we make in the office using distilled water, kosher salt and vinegar and an electrolytic reaction to produce the hypochlorous acid. It is registered with the Centers for Disease Control for use against COVID-19 and has a 20 second kill time for the virus.
- We have installed an extremely advanced air purification system in the office. It eliminates virtually all contaminates from the air including bacteria and viruses using photocatalytic oxidation (PCO). Similar to the process used by the Department of Defense to combat germ warfare, PCO combines nature's three most powerful air purifiers into a safe air filter installed in the furnace system.
If you have a question about an upcoming appointment, please contact us. We look forward to seeing you again in the practice!
Dr. Robert Meyer and Team