Meyer Dental Group
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Invisalign Process


The Process
The Results
The Invisalign System Process

1 Dr. Meyer and his staff will take records of the patient, including PVS impressions, intra and extra-oral photos and x-rays. The records are sent to Align Technology with the desired treatment goals.


2 Plaster models are poured and then scanned to create a highly accurate digital image.


3 A virtual treatment is created with the teeth moving gradually from initial to final position. Each stage corresponds to the movement built into a set of Aligners.

Screen Shot

4 This virtual treatment is presented in the form of a movie.

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5 Upon approval of the treatment, Align Technology manufacturers the customized Aligners and sends them to Dr. Meyer, along with any instructions and attachment templates required. Sets of Aligners are then distributed to the patient at each appointment.

View the results!
New Patient Offer
*FREE with a paid exam, x-rays and cleaning at regular fees. A $525 value! Not to be combined with any other offers or in-network insurance plans. Must mention offer when scheduling.